Wednesday, August 22, 2012

And it starts....

Nope, I never expected this life style.  I remember as a little girl, though I wanted to play outside and get dirty, thinking I would marry at the ripe old age of 22 to a corporate person, have a corporate job myself, and maybe have a horse – every girl needs a horse. My best friend and I would stay up really late and design our homes!  Big mansions, with adjoining horse barns through a really cool underground tunnel (so our parents wouldn't see us go back and forth I guess - or just it was cool).

As, I grew older, I still loved animals, including those beautiful majestic horses...... until I got a job cleaning stables so I could ride a horse.  My job was to go after school, clean out the stable, and walk the horse around.  This was NOT as glamorous as I thought and I was soon very discouraged by this whole thing.  At this point, I decided to like horses from a distance and everyone would be better off.

My focus after that turned to computers and my life changed dramatically from all of that - but that will come later.

Growing up I lived in horse country Fairfax, VA.  No, I didn't make that up.  The lot sizes were 5-10+ acres in a wonderful subdivision.  My friends all had professional parents (Dr's, dentists, lawyers, you get the idea) and we all had to know how to "act" at functions.  

I can wear heals, I know where all the forks on a table actually should go - heck, I even know which one I am supposed to use for each course!  I can waltz, curtsy, and have intelligent conversations about stuff I really don't understand.  I even have all the formal dresses I wore to all the formals I went to because heaven forbid, you wear the same thing TWICE!

I also know how to fish, including cleaning and gutting them, and I can even butcher chickens, chase pigs, milk cows, and so many more things I just never thought I would EVER need to know!

Farming is anything from the glamorous life I thought I would have as a child - but even with every bump in the road, I wouldn't change it for the world.

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